Rates Comparison
Select residential bill and monthly consumption amount
xxx cubic feet
Monthly Water Bill After Rates Increase: 0.00 (0.00/gal)
Revenue impacts are highly speculative. For more detailed modeling, the EFC's Water and Wastewater Rates Analysis Model is a free tool that examines how revenues at your utility could be affected by various changes in rate structures. However, neither of these tools should be used in place of an in-depth rate study.
Assumes across-the-board rate increases for all customer classes. Projected revenue impacts assume a 3 percent drop in demand for every 10 percent increase in price. Accuracy of projections decreases as the proposed rate increase gets larger.
Comparing to
Carroll Grafton Rockingham Sullivan Cheshire Strafford Belknap Coos Hillsborough Merrimack Errol Abenaki Water - Gilford Village PEU-Londonderry PEU-Locke Lake PEU-Williamsburg PEU-Litchfield PEU-Birch Hill East Precinct of Haverhill Corner Waterville Estates Village District Highlands Village District Manchester Water Works and Environment North Conway Water Precinct North Swanzey - Sewer West Swanzey - Sewer Newbury - Sewer Londonderry - Sewer Stewartstown - Sewer Sandwich - Sewer Lisbon - Water and Sewer Wakefield - Sewer Holderness Amherst - Baboosic Septic Goffstown Waterville Valley New London Allenstown Abenaki Water Company - Belmont Seabrook - Water and Sewer Sanbornville Water Department Plainfield Village Water District Pittsburg - Water and Sewer Pillsbury Lake - Peninsula - Water Newport - Water and Sewer Newmarket - Water and Sewer New Hampton Village Precinct - Water and Sewer Milford - Water and Sewer Lower Bartlett Water Precinct Littleton Water and Light Hudson - Water and Sewer Hopkinton Village Precinct - Water Hanover - Water and Sewer Hancock - Water Gorham - Water and Sewer Goffstown Village Water Precinct Forest Edge Water Company Copple Crown Village District - Water Charlestown - Water and Sewer Carroll County Complex - Water Carroll - Water Andover Village District - Water Village District Of Eastman - Water and Sewer Woodstock - Water and Sewer Wolfeboro - Water and Sewer Wildwood Water Company, Inc. Whitefield - Water and Sewer West Swanzey Water Company, Inc. Woodsville - Water and Sewer Winchester - Water and Sewer Wilton - Water Somersworth - Water and Sewer Sanbornton - Sewer Salem - Water and Sewer Rye Water District - Water Rye Water District - Portsmouth Rye - Sewer Rollinsford - Water and Sewer Raymond - Water Portsmouth - Water and Sewer Plymouth Village - Water and Sewer Pittsfield Aqueduct Company, Inc. - Water Peterborough - Water and Sewer Pembroke - Sewer Village of Northwood Ridge Water District UNH-Durham - Water and Sewer Sunapee - Water and Sewer Rochester - Water and Sewer Rand Shepard Hill - Water West Stewartstown Water Precinct Walpole - Water and Sewer Pennichuck Water Works Village District Of Eidelweiss - Water Pennichuck water Works - East Utility - Water Pillsbury Lake - Franklin Pierce - Water Tilton Sewer Commission Warner Village Water District - Water and Sewer Tioga River Water Company Troy - Water and Sewer New Castle - Water and Sewer Nashua - Sewer Mountain Lakes - Water Monroe - Water Milton Water District Mill Brook Village - Water Merrimack Village District - Water Merrimack - Sewer Meredith - Water and Sewer Lochmere Village District - Water Boscawen - Sewer Bodwell Waste Services Corporation Bethlehem Village District - Water Berlin - Water and Sewer North Swanzey Water And Fire Precinct Newington - Sewer Newfields Village - Water and Sewer Ossipee - Water and Sewer Mittersill - Water Northfield Sewer District Meriden Village District - Water and Sewer Lorden Commons - Sewer North Haverhill Water and Light Marlborough Water Works New London-Springfield - Water Stratford - Water and Sewer North Walpole Village District - Water Hampstead Area Water Company, Inc. - Water Greenville - Greenville Estates Village District - Sewer Freedom Village Water Precinct Franklin - Water and Sewer Franconia Village - Water Farmington - Water and Sewer Exeter - Water and Sewer Epsom Village District - Water Epping - Water and Sewer Emerald Lake Village District - Water Jaffrey - Water and Sewer Groveton - Water and Sewer Greenville - Water and Sewer Goffstown Village Water Precinct - Mountain Laurel & Glenview Penacook Boscawen - Water Fryeburg Water Company Belmont - Water and Sewer Ashland - Water and Sewer Bedford Waste Services, Inc. Antrim - Water and Sewer Aquarion Water Company of New Hampshire Alton - Water Abenaki Water Company - Bretton Woods Bennington - Water and Sewer Abenaki Water Company - Bow Laconia - Sewer - Non-Laconia Keene - Water and Sewer Bath Village - Water Grasmere Water Precinct Atkinson Area Waste Water Recycling - Sewer Hooksett Village Water Precinct Hooksett - Sewer Hinsdale/Downtown - Water and Sewer Hillsborough - Water and Sewer Bow Lake Estates Water Works, Inc. Bow - Water and Sewer Canaan - Water and Sewer Dover - Water and Sewer Lakes Region Water Company Laconia - Water and Sewer Pembroke Water Works Conway Village Fire District - Water and Sewer Hill - Water Contoocook Village Precinct - Water Concord - Water and Sewer Colebrook - Water and Sewer Cogswell Springs - Water Central Hooksett Water Precinct Littleton - Sewer Henniker - Sewer Lebanon - Water and Sewer Derry - Water and Sewer Lancaster - Water and Sewer Claremont - Water and Sewer Bristol - Water and Sewer Campton Village Precinct - Water Pittsfield Fitzwilliam Village - Prigge - Water Fitzwilliam Village - Massin - Water Grasmere Water Precinct - Landmark Jackson Water Precinct Gunstock Acres Village District - Water Hopkinton - Sewer Bartlett Village Water Precinct - Water and Sewer North Charlestown Water Department South Main Street Water District Fitzwilliam Village - Laughnor - Water Cheshire County Complex - Water Enfield - Water and Sewer Tilton Northfield Water District North Walpole Village District - Low - Water Piermont - Sewer Swains Lake Village - Water North Hinsdale Water Department Milton Sewer Department Beebe River - Water
0 rate structures compared
Effects of raising rates by:
Min Max
Min Max

Statewide average annual bill for 90,000 gallons:

Water: $838.43
Sewer: $995.85
Download Data

Financial Benchmarks
Select service provided. (Display will not change if the utility has a combined water and sewer enterprise fund.)

Utility Owner
Ownership type
Primary County
Primary service area
Date Rates Effective
  Median for Statewide Stats
Number of Systems 1 201
Est. Number of Connections
Est. Service Population
Operating Revenue
Operating Expense
Current Assets
Census Year   2023
Average Household Size2.46
Median Household Income$90,845
Poverty Rate7.33%
Year of Last Rate Increase for the Utility:

This Rates Dashboard is designed to assist utility managers, finance directors, Board members, local officials, reporters, and customers to compare their utility's residential water and wastewater rates against multiple factors, including system characteristics, customer base demographics, and geography. Users can manually/temporarily input financial data using the Edit Data or Add Utility button to turn on the Cost Recovery dial (on the user’s local machine only – this is cookie based).

The New Hampshire Water and Wastewater Rates Dashboard and Survey were created by the Environmental Finance Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Funding was provided by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) and a cooperative agreeement with the US EPA. This Dashboard is part of the larger Smart Management for Small Systems nationwide project of the Environmental Finance Center Network. See the links below for more information on additional partners. The Rates Dashboard is updated periodically to provide the most accurate data for decision-making and analysis. Additional free resources for water and wastewater utilities are provided below.

Select service provided. (Display will not change if the utility has a combined water and sewer enterprise fund.)
Demographic Information ?
Service Area
2018 Percent Poverty
2018 Percent Below 2x Federal Poverty Income
2018 Median Household Income
2018 20th Percentile Income
2018 Unemployment
System and Community Info
Water System Characteristics Obtained from SDWIS and the CA Water Board
Community Water System Name
Primary Water Source Type
Number of Monitoring Violations 2017-2020 ?
Number of Water Quality Violations 2017-2020 ?
Service Population ?
Number of Connections ?
Percent of Connections that are Metered ?
Compliance Status with the Human Right to Water watchlist in 2020 ?
Community Characteristics Obtained from the Census Bureau ?
Service Area
Population 2018
Population 2010
Population Change
Please select a utility above to view current New Hampshire rates survey data.

When the dashboard appears, you will see the first utility alphabetically in the survey group. Please select the desired utility/rate structure, selecting service(s), monthly usage, and comparison group of your choosing on the left half of the dashboard.

Please click the “OK” button below when you are ready to proceed.